Youth Ministry
Our Mission
At Harrisonville, we want to create a space for youth to discover, develop, and use their gifts and talents for God. Our goal is to make sure we are doing ministry with our youth, not for them, because it provides an irreplaceable richness and vibrancy to our life as a church.
Sunday mornings, our youth gather during the 9:30 AM hour for a time of discipleship and Bible study that is geared toward them. During the 10:45 AM hour, youth participate in the time of church-wide worship and teaching of the Word.
Youth group is on Wednesdays evenings, from 7:00-8:30 PM. This time of worship, discipleship, and fun is a central component in our rhythm as a youth ministry. It is an opportunity for students to come together as a community, united in worship, discipleship, prayer, small group discussion, and fun to grow and seek Christ. You are invited to join us as we grow to becoming more like a family as we experience who Jesus is and how he’s at work in our lives.
Throughout the year, our youth participate in formative events, such as camp and other district and regional NYI events.
Come Join Us!
Sunday Services
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship Service 10:45 a.m.
(816) 380-4604
2305 E South St
Harrisonville, MO, 64701
United States